If you already know a way to get your output but need a faster solution then this tag may be appropriate. May concern techniques for a particular query or the setup of your hard- and software. Tag with [tag:postgresql] as well. Questions how to optimize simple queries should rather go to [stackoverflow.com][1]. See the [DBA Help](http://stackoverflow.com/help) for information about suitable questions. Consider the basic advice on [Performance Optimization][2] and [Slow Query Questions][3] in PostgreSQL Wiki before asking questions on this tag, including the "Things to try before you post" section. [`Using EXPLAIN`][4] is particularly important. ###When posting questions, include: - Your **Postgres version**, from `SELECT version()`, or at least your major version like `9.6` or `10`. - The full text of the **query**/queries. In a readable format and as brief as possible, but don't remove anything that might be relevant. Describe the expected result / include an example for simple cases. - **Table definition**(s): Preferably a `CREATE TABLE` script showing data types and constraints for relevant columns and `CREATE INDEX` scripts for all relevant indexes. Or the output from `\d+ tablename` in [`psql`][6]. - **Cardinalities** (rough number of rows) in involved tables. Rough distribution of critical values (if applicable). - **Query plan**(s) obtained with `EXPLAIN (BUFFERS, ANALYZE)` or `EXPLAIN ANALYZE` in pg 9.0 or older. If possible paste them on [explain.depesz.com][7] and include links. - If possible, add a link to an online demo at [db<>fiddle][8], [SQL Fiddle][9] or similar, populated with the schema, some sample data, and the query. - Only where relevant, a brief mention of your hardware and system, like: "*CentOS 6.1, Xeon E5-2450 with 64GB RAM, 4-disk RAID 10 of Intel X-25E SSDs on Dell PERC H810 controller with flash write-back cache*" Or more details if your question is about hardware. [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/ [2]: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Performance_Optimization [3]: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Slow_Query_Questions [4]: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Using_EXPLAIN [6]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/app-psql.html [7]: https://explain.depesz.com/ [8]: https://dbfiddle.uk/ [9]: http://sqlfiddle.com/