The (2nd form of the) `crosstab()` function expects these columns as input:

- 1 `row_name` column
- (0-n) `extra` columns
- 1 `category` column
- **1** `value` column


- [Pivot on Multiple Columns using Tablefunc][1]

Your specific difficulty is that you are trying to process **3** `value` columns at once (`param1`, `param2`, `param3`). Your input table is already "half pivoted". There are various ways to solve this. Joining three crosstab queries is probably cleanest. Demonstrating for **5** weeks:

    SELECT *
    FROM   crosstab(
         'SELECT id, week, param1
          FROM   tbl
          ORDER  BY 1,2'
       , 'SELECT generate_series(1,5)'
       ) ct1 (id int, w1p1 int, w1p2 int, w1p3 int, w1p4 int, w1p5 int)
    JOIN   crosstab(
         'SELECT id, week, param2
          FROM   tbl
          ORDER  BY 1,2'
       , 'SELECT generate_series(1,5)'
       ) ct2 (id int, w2p1 int, w2p2 int, w2p3 int, w2p4 int, w2p5 int) USING (id)
    JOIN   crosstab(
         'SELECT id, week, param3
          FROM   tbl
          ORDER  BY 1,2'
       , 'SELECT generate_series(1,5)'
       ) ct3 (id int, w3p1 int, w3p2 int, w3p3 int, w3p4 int, w3p5 int) USING (id)

*dbfiddle [here](*

`[INNER] JOIN` is safe, since all instances are guaranteed to return the same week `id`s. Else we'd use `FULL JOIN`.

With over 50 weeks, you get over 150 columns. Is that really what you want?
