I have the following indexed view defined in SQL Server 2008 (you can download a working schema [from gist][1] for testing purposes):

    CREATE VIEW dbo.balances
    	, currency_id
    	, SUM(transaction_amount)	AS balance_amount
    	, COUNT_BIG(*)				AS transaction_count
    FROM dbo.transactions
    	, currency_id
    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX UQ_balances_user_id_currency_id
    ON dbo.balances (
    	, currency_id

`user_id`, `currency_id`, and `transaction_amount` are all defined as `NOT NULL` columns in `dbo.transactions`. However, when I look at the view definition in Management Studio's Object Explorer, it marks both `balance_amount` and `transaction_count` as `NULL`-able columns in the view.

I've taken a look at several discussions, [this one][2] being the most relevant of them, that suggest some shuffling of functions may help SQL Server recognize that a view column is always `NOT NULL`. No such shuffling is possible in my case, though, since expressions on aggregate functions (e.g. an `ISNULL()` over the `SUM()`) are [not allowed][3] in indexed views.

 1. Is there any way I can help SQL Server recognize that `balance_amount` and `transaction_count`are `NOT NULL`-able?

 1. If not, should I have any concerns about these columns being mistakenly identified as `NULL`-able?  

 The two concerns I could think of are:

  - Any application objects mapped to the balances view are getting an incorrect definition of a balance.
  - In very limited cases, certain optimizations are not available to the Query Optimizer since it does not have a guarantee from the view that these two columns are `NOT NULL`.

 Is either of these concerns a big deal? Are there any other concerns I should keep in mind?

  [1]: https://gist.github.com/1207488
  [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2326813/how-to-make-a-view-column-not-null
  [3]: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd171921.aspx