I was trying to restore my database and sql server kept crashing. I would get a message in SSMS that said there was a network transport error (the connection dropped bc the crash). I checked the logs and found nothing more than sql server closed unexpectedly. I would then have to go and restart the service.
I narrowed the issue down to the script that the GUI was trying to run. The problem is when it goes to take a tail log backup, the path to the backup files is wrong. It should be D:\mapbenefits...
BACKUP LOG [mapbenefits] TO DISK = N'D:mapbenefits_LogBackup_2019-02-21_13-58-24.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'mapbenefits_LogBackup_2019-02-21_13-58-24', NOSKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, NORECOVERY , STATS = 5
I have two questions.
how do I fix this path. I tried going into the server settings and the backup path is D: with no slash. If I add the slash the gui removes it. This is SSMS v17.9.1. I can pick D:\mapbenefits\ and that works but I want D:\DATABASE...
Is this a bug? Should SQL server crash just because a path is incorrectly typed? Once I fixed the file path it has no trouble. I can reproduce anytime just by mucking up the filepath.
Thank you