I'm running on SSQL Server 2019 standard edition and it has 46GB of physical memory and 44GB of SQL Server's max memory. There is nothing on the host but SqlServer. All of request from application servers are just calling stored procedures and there are thousands of procedures. The problem is that DB CPU usage hits 80% above very often. Whenever DB CPU reaches 50% above, stored Procedure recompiling is soaring up and **dm_exec_cached_plans** view table is refreshed every time I scan it. ``` SELECT sum(CAST (size_in_bytes as decimal (14,2))) / 1048576 AS [Cache plan size MB] FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans ``` [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/IDy8z.png Is this small **cache plan size** normal? If this is not, how can I handle this situation? Any advice would be appreciated.