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note about .net framework version

string or binary data would be truncated in table '******', column '******'. Truncated value: '******'

One of our applications report

string or binary data would be truncated in table '******', column '******'. Truncated value: '******'

instead of

String or binary data would be truncated in table 'mytable', column 'mycolumn'. Truncated value: 'myvalue'.

which I get with SSMS.

What setting do I need to change to get the full message?

I've tried to search for this, but all I get is that I need to set VERBOSE_TRUNCATION_WARNINGS to ON and compatibility_level to 150. Which I've done ages ago.

The application has this error handler:

         ES.isWorking = true;
         Worker worker = new Worker(new DBConnection(Settings.ConnectionString));
         ES.isWorking = false;
 catch (Exception ex)
         ES.isWorking = false;
         this.eventLog.WriteEntry("In OnTimer exception ! message: " + ex.Message.ToString());
         errorHandler.HandleException(ex, "In OnTimer exception !", ErrorSeverities.Error);

We have not seen this behavior before, but we have recently updated the .net framework to version 4.7.2, so it could be related.