This is a classic example of how a ["Numbers table"]( can really help get the results you need. Essentially, you create a table containing the 15 minute increments you desire, then join your table to obtain an aggregate number of calls for each 15 minute increment. In example, I'm using temporary tables for both tables. You'd likely want to make the `#Intervals` table permanent. Create the testbed, and populate some sample data: USE tempdb; IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Calls') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #Calls; CREATE TABLE #Calls ( CallID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED IDENTITY(1,1) , CallStart DATETIME NOT NULL , CallEnd DATETIME NOT NULL ); ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY o.object_id, o1.object_id) , rn1 = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY o.object_id ORDER BY o1.object_id) FROM sys.objects o, sys.objects o1 ) INSERT INTO #Calls (CallStart, CallEnd) SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE, c.rn, DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE())) , DATEADD(MINUTE, c.rn + c.rn1, DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE())) FROM cte c; IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Intervals') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #Intervals; CREATE TABLE #Intervals ( DateStart DATETIME NOT NULL , DateEnd DATETIME NOT NULL ); ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT TOP(35040) /* approx. number of 15 minute intervals in a year */ rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY o.object_id, o1.object_id) * 15 FROM sys.objects o , sys.objects o1 , sys.objects o2 ) INSERT INTO #Intervals (DateStart, DateEnd) SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE, c.rn, '2015-10-01T00:00:00') , DATEADD(MINUTE, c.rn + 15, '2015-10-01T00:00:00') FROM cte c; Show the rows in both tables: SELECT * FROM #Intervals i ORDER BY i.DateStart; SELECT * FROM #Calls c ORDER BY c.CallStart; Join both tables to get the aggregate count of Calls between the 15 minute date ranges: SELECT i.DateStart , i.DateEnd , TotalCalls = COUNT(1) FROM #Calls c INNER JOIN #Intervals i ON c.CallStart >= i.DateStart AND c.CallStart < i.DateEnd GROUP BY i.DateStart , i.DateEnd ORDER BY i.DateStart; On my test platform, I get the following results from the three `select` statements: [![enter image description here][1]][1] Looking at [your comment]( on @Thofle's answer, it looks like you want to see all time intervals, even if there were no calls during the given interval. To accomplish that, you can simply modify the `select` query to use a `LEFT JOIN`, and `COUNT(...)` the number of `Calls` rows, like: SELECT i.DateStart , i.DateEnd , TotalCalls = COUNT(c.CallID) FROM #Intervals i LEFT JOIN #Calls c ON i.DateStart <= c.CallStart AND i.DateEnd > c.CallStart GROUP BY i.DateStart , i.DateEnd ORDER BY i.DateStart; [1]: