GOAL: My goal is to write sql code within Eclipse to query a Postgresql database. The reason I want to write my queries within Eclipse is to then write R or Python code to perform statistical analysis on my data.
-) I am working on Windows XP.
-) My Postgresql database is installed locally on my hard drive. I am using Postgresql 9.2.2
-) Eclipse Juno enterprise edition with Data Tools Platform. I downloaded this on 19 December 2012 so it is all the latest software.
-) jdk 1.7
-) jre 1.5
-) jre 7
-) postgresql-9.1.901.jdbc4.jar
METHODOLOGY: To start within Eclipse I choose "File", "New", "Other". Under the "Connection Profile" I expand and choose "Connection Profile". A New Connection Profile dialogue wizard comes up and from the list of profile types I choose PostgreSQL. I name it PostgreSQL922 and click the Next button.
The "New JDBC Connection Profile" dialogue comes up. Under "Drivers" pull down menu I choose what I created previously "PostgreSQL922". I then click the icon for New Driver Definition.
The dialogue "New Driver Definition" has three tabs. Under the first tab "Name/Type" there is only one option and that is the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver. However I do find it confusing that the system version of this option is 8.x. I am not sure why that option is pre-set. Under the tab "Jar List" I click the "Remove Jar/zip" button to remove the "Postgresql-8.1-404.jdbc2.jar" driver file. I then click the "Add Jar" button and navigate to my new driver: "Postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar". When I choose this jar file, the "OK" button in my dialogue box is no longer grayed out. But rather it is now clickable. Under the tab "Properties" There are 5 different values:
- Connection URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database
- Database Name: postgres
- Driver Class: org.postgresql.Driver
- Password: nikolasdad
- User ID: postgres
I then click the OK button to accept all my values. This brings me back to "New JDBC Connection Profile". Here I click the "Test Connection" button and an error message box pops up that states "Ping Failed!" Under the "Details" button the message is shown:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: database "database" does not exist at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.readStartupMessages(ConnectionFactoryImpl.java:471) at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl(ConnectionFactoryImpl.java:112) at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(ConnectionFactory.java:66) at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Connection.(AbstractJdbc2Connection.java:125) at org.postgresql.jdbc3.AbstractJdbc3Connection.(AbstractJdbc3Connection.java:30) at org.postgresql.jdbc3g.AbstractJdbc3gConnection.(AbstractJdbc3gConnection.java:22) at org.postgresql.jdbc4.AbstractJdbc4Connection.(AbstractJdbc4Connection.java:32) at org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection.(Jdbc4Connection.java:24) at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(Driver.java:393) at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(Driver.java:267) at org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.internal.postgresql.PostgreSQLJDBCConnection.createConnection(Post greSQLJDBCConnection.java:87) at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.DriverConnectionBase.internalCreateConnection(DriverConnectionBa se.java:105) at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.DriverConnectionBase.open(DriverConnectionBase.java:54) at org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.internal.postgresql.PostgreSQLJDBCConnection.(PostgreSQLJDBC Connection.java:47) at org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.internal.postgresql.PostgreSQLConnectionFactory.createConnection(P ostgreSQLConnectionFactory.java:51) at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionFactoryProvider.createConnection(ConnectionFa ctoryProvider.java:83) at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionProfile.createConnection(ConnectionProfile.ja va:359) at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ui.PingJob.createTestConnection(PingJob.java:76) at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ui.PingJob.run(PingJob.java:59) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:53)
I used this same methodology to connect to a SQL Server 2005 database and I was able to write queries against it. I did this correctly once before, but with PostgreSQL I am failing. How can I fix this? Am I using the wrong version of PostgreSQL? Does Eclipse Juno not interface with Postgresql 9.2.2?
thank you for any assistance you are able to provide. David in Fort Myers.