Could you help me on this one?

See I have this `order_table` where I have to find the order numbers that doesn't exist in the table.

Let's say I have columns `id`, `order_number` in the table named `order_table`.

What I want is to show in my result all the values that doesn't exist in `order_table`.

Like for example:

I have `order_number` values `43454235423`, `785686847856`, `1243215421`, `6437647`, `978423454`. I then do

    SELECT *
    FROM order_table
    WHERE order_number = ('43454235423', '45423534252','785686847856', '1243215421', '6437647', '978423454','5634636','4354235235')
    --return order_numbers that doesn't exist in the table as 'status'

**This is my sample query result:**

[![Example Result][1]][1]
