PL/SQL in ORACLE does not return Datasets in the same way that other RDBMS do (like SQL Server, where you can just pop a random SELECT statement anywhere in a block or procedure and it will output the results to the grid).

Oracle will only output to the screen as a standard SELECT query or via a refcursor.

What you're doing is known as an anonymous block.  Anonymous Blocks do not display the results of a SELECT statement.  They exist to "get work done."
I wrote a blog post that explains this a bit, you're welcome to take a look:

For your issue:
You have a few options, including:

 1. Output the Select statement using a RefCursor.

 **2. Write the results to a table (Using Insert INTO ... SELECT FROM), then Select from that table when done. (This is my preferred approach when running scheduled items like reports).  This will also be the approach that gets this "out the door" the fastest, as you'll then be able to query the results immediately.**

 3. Printing each record to the DBMS_OUTPUT (yuck) using a resultset
 4. Use a cursor to work through each record of the resultset, and write the data to a csv file.

For option 2 (which I'd likely take but of course you don't have to), it would be something like:

    --If you have an existing table (TableName) that you always want to use
        v_dbver    BINARY_INTEGER;
        SELECT TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(version,1,2)) INTO v_dbver FROM v$instance;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Version ='||v_dbver);
		--This table needs to exist already, so you'll have to have created it ahead of time
		TRUNCATE TABLE TableNameHere; --Truncate the table to remove artifacts
    IF v_dbver < 12 THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Running against 11g');
        INSERT INTO TableName
		FROM v$database; 
    ELSIF v_dbver >= 12 THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Running against 12c');
        INSERT INTO TableName
		FROM v$database;
    END IF;
	--If you want it to DYNAMICALLY create the table:

        v_dbver    BINARY_INTEGER;
        SELECT TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(version,1,2)) INTO v_dbver FROM v$instance;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Version ='||v_dbver);
		--This table needs to exist already, so you'll have to have created it ahead of time
		TRUNCATE TABLE TableNameHere; --Truncate the table to remove artifacts
    IF v_dbver < 12 THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Running against 11g');
        CREATE TABLE TableName_Timestamp --This will auto-create the table 
		FROM v$database; 
    ELSIF v_dbver >= 12 THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Running against 12c');
        CREATE TABLE TableName_Timestamp --This will auto-create the table 
		FROM v$database;
    END IF;