This is a follow up to my previous question:

I am a beginner in SQL. I tried this query and CTE, but I cannot get my desired output:

     SELECT UserId, Convert(varchar(10),LogDate,120) as [Date],
       Min(CASE WHEN (C1 = 'out') THEN LogDate END) AS [Login],
       MAX(CASE WHEN (C1 = 'in') THEN LogDate END) AS [Logout] FROM Employee 
      GROUP BY UserId,Convert(varchar(10),LogDate,120) ORDER BY UserId

<!-- language-all: lang-none -->

###Shift Table

            UserID   ShiftName      Start   End  
            1019     Night Shift-1  18:30   03:30 

###Employee Table

         UserID      LogDate                         C1
         1019	     2016-03-01 05:17:03.000		 Out
	     1019	     2016-03-01 18:41:14.000		 In
	     1019	     2016-03-01 22:06:24.000		 Out
	     1019	     2016-03-01 22:34:03.000		 In
	     1019	     2016-03-02 01:32:33.000		 Out
	     1019	     2016-03-02 01:38:03.000		 In
	     1019	     2016-03-02 05:32:33.000		 Out

###Desired output Table1:

        UserId  Date           LogIN                  LogOUT
        1019    2016-03-01     2016-03-01 18:41:14    2016-03-01 22:06:24 
        1019    2016-03-01     2016-03-01 22:34:03    2016-03-02 01:32:33
        1019    2016-03-01     2016-03-02 01:38:03    2016-03-02 05:32:33  

###Desired output Table2:
      UserId   Date           FirstIN                LastOUT               Working Hours
      1019     2016-03-01     2016-03-01 18:41:14    2016-03-02 05:32:33      ?

<!-- language-all: lang-sql -->

Additional notes:

* There may be multiple IN and OUT for each employee.
* The shift times are 18:30 and 03:30.
* Employees may come maximum 2 hours earlier or leave 2 hours later.