I am working with SQL Server 2008 and I am looking for a function like `ltrim` and `rtrim` which will also remove leading and trailing tabs, double spaces, carriage returns, line feeds, etc. 

There are a number of functions out there but the ones I found all have limitations, e.g. truncate the string to 8000 characters. e.g. (according to some of the comments)


One of the comments proposed a better solution but the `- 1` causes an `incorrect syntax` error and I am not sure why.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SuperTrimLeft(@str varchar(MAX)) RETURNS varchar(MAX)
    	IF (ASCII(LEFT(@str, 1)) < 33) BEGIN
    		SET @str = STUFF(@str, 1, PATINDEX('%[^'+CHAR(0)+'-'+CHAR(32)+']%', @str) – 1, ' ');
    	RETURN @str;

So my question is, what is the best approach to accomplish the task above?