Can you do KNN queries on MySQL for example, to find the nearest point in PostgreSQL with PostGIS, I can do

    SELECT *
    FROM t1
    WHERE = 42
    ORDER BY t1.geom <-> t2.geom
    LIMIT 1;

This uses the [k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN)]( on a spatial index with [`<->`]( What is the MySQL equivalent of `<->` to do KNN on their spatial index?

If you don't know what KNN is, you can see a [description of it here](

> The KNN system works by evaluating distances between bounding boxes inside the PostGIS R-Tree index.
> Because the index is built using the bounding boxes of geometries, the distances between any geometries that are not points will be inexact: they will be the distances between the bounding boxes of geometries.