With regard to the first point

> check (and alert) replication is broken?

just check the following

    MYSQL_CONN="-uroot -ppassword"
    IO_RUNNING=`grep "Slave_IO_Running" < ${SLAVESTATUS_OUTPUT} | awk '{print $2}'`
    SQL_RUNNING=`grep "Slave_SQL_Running" < ${SLAVESTATUS_OUTPUT} | awk '{print $2}'`

Just check for both IO_RUNNING and SQL_RUNNING being Yes.

If either value is No, check the error message.

You could check for other things such as Seconds_Behind_Master ( https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/8762/does-seconds-behind-master-show-exact-slave-lag-from-master/8784#8784 )

With regard to the second point

> get a list of tables that are out of synch across various databases?

The best tool in the world for this is pt-table-checksum. Please read the documentation on it because the output will be all the tables in the specified databases. You will have to parse the text output to compare the checksum values between Master and Slave.

I wrote a part post about using this tool:

- https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/9248/in-a-mysql-master-slave-replication-what-would-happen-if-i-write-to-the-slave/9264#9264
- https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/8806/fixing-tables-out-of-sync-as-reported-by-pt-table-checksum-pt-table-sync-is-not/8808#8808 (This one has shell scripting  I made to do the parsing for you)