You forgot to mention that you installed the additional module [**`pg_trgm`**][1], which provides the `similarity()` function.

## Similarity operator **`%`**
First of all, whatever else you do, use the similarity operator `%` instead of the expression `(similarity(job_title, 'sales executive') > 0.6)`. Much cheaper.

To get the desired minimum similarity of 0.6, run:

    SELECT set_limit(0.6);

The setting stays for the rest of your session unless reset to something else. Check with:

    SELECT show_limit();

This is a bit clumsy, but great for performance.

###Simple case
If you just wanted the best matches in `job_title` for 'sales executive', then this would be a simple case of "nearest neighbor" search and could be solved with a GiST index using the trigram operator class `gist_trgm_ops` (but not with a GIN index):

    CREATE INDEX trgm_idx ON lcas USING gist (job_title gist_trgm_ops);

To also include an equality condition on `worksite_city` you would need the additional module [**`btree_gist`**][2]. Run (once per DB):

    CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist;


    CREATE INDEX lcas_trgm_gist_idx ON lcas USING gist (worksite_city, job_title gist_trgm_ops);


    SELECT set_limit(0.6);  -- once per session

    SELECT *
    FROM   lca_test
    WHERE  job_title % 'sales executive'
    AND    worksite_city = 'los angeles' 
    ORDER  BY (job_title <-> 'sales executive')
    LIMIT  50;

###Your case
However, your query sorts by `salary`, not by distance / similarity, which changes the nature of the game completely. Now we can use bot GIN and GiST index, and GIN will be faster (even more so in Postgres 9.4 which has largely improved GIN indexes - hint!)

Similar story for the additional equality check on `worksite_city`: install the additional module [**`btree_gin`**][3]. Run (once per DB):

    CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin;


    CREATE INDEX lcas_trgm_gin_idx ON lcas USING gist (worksite_city, job_title gist_trgm_ops);


    SELECT set_limit(0.6);  -- once per session

    SELECT *
    FROM   lca_test
    WHERE  job_title % 'sales executive'
    AND    worksite_city = 'los angeles' 
    ORDER  BY salary 
    LIMIT  50 -- OFFSET 0

This should also work (less efficient) with the simpler index you already have (`"index_lcas_job_title_trigram"`)

- You have a lot of indexes. Are you sure they are all in use and pay their maintenance cost?

- You have some dubious data types:

        employement_start_date | character varying
        employement_end_date   | character varying

 Seems like those should be `date`. Etc.

Related answers:

