Given the fact that you mentioned you have `Master-Master replication mode`, I would not recommend any automatic failover unless you properly account for Replication Lag. After all, MySQL Replication is asynchronous.

It is theoretically possible to have the following:

- `DBServer1` as Master to `DBServer2`
- `DBServer2` as Master to `DBServer1`
- DBVIP pointing at DBServer1
- `DBServer2` is 180 seconds behind
- `DBServer1` goes down
- Automatic Failover moves DBVIP to `DBServer2`

With this scenario, `DBServer2` could have auto increment keys that do not exist yet. Upon failover, the DBVIP will allow WebServers to connect to `DBServer2` and ask for data that does not exist yet.

This would therefore require background processes running on each DBServer.

For the above scenario:

- DBVIP is on `DBServer1`
- `DBServer1` runs HeartBeat
- `DBServer2` runs HeartBeat
- Background Process on `DBServer1` to monitor
 - a) Data Mount Availability
 - b) Data Mount Writeability
 - c) MySQL Connectivity
 - Once a,b, or c fail, kill HeartBeat

Background Process on `DBServer2` to make sure DBVIP is pingable

What should killing HeartBeat do? Trigger the startup script defined for it.

What should the startup script on `DBServer2` look for?

- Loop until DBVIP is unreachable via ping
- Connect to MySQL and 
 - Run `SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G` in a Loop until `Seconds_Behind_Master` is `NULL`
 - RUn `SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G` in a Loop until `Exec_Master_Log_Pos stops changing
- Assign DBVIP to `DBServer2` via `ip addr add`

This is essentailly the algorithm for failing over safely to a Passive Master in a Master/Master Replication Cluster.


If ALL your data is InnoDB, I recommend something with less rigor. Perhaps you should look into using [DRBD][1] and [HeartBeat][2]. Here is why:

[**DRBD provides network RAID-1 for a Block Device on two servers**][3].

You would essentially do this:

- Have `DBServer1's` DRBD Block Device as Primary
- Have `DBServer2's` DRBD Block Device as Secondary
- Mount `DBServer1's` DRBD Device on /var/lib/mysql
- Startup MySQL on `DBServer1`
- Have HeartBeat Monitor Ping Activity Between Servers

What would startup script look like in a DRBD scenario?

- Loop until DBVIP is unreachable via ping
- Kill HeartBeart
- Disconnect DRBD
- Promote DRBD to Primary
- Mount DRBD on /var/lib/mysql
- Start MySQL (InnoDB Crash Recovery Fills in Missing Data)
- Assign DBVIP via `ip addr add`

This is a lot more straightforward because only one side is Active. The Passive side (DRBD Secondary) is a Synchronous Disk Copy of the Active Side (DRBD Primary).


If all or most of the working set data is MyISAM, do not touch DRBD. Crash scnearios quickly result in MyISAM tables being marked crashed and need auto-repair (which can be paintfully slow to wait for).

#UPDATE 2012-12-29 08:00 EDT

Here are my past posts on using DRBD with MySQL

- `Mar 29, 2011` :
- `Aug 29, 2011` :
- `Dec 19, 2011` :
- `Jul 25, 2012` : (I stirred a pretty big pot on this one in someone else's blog)
