50MB is very small. I would not worry about size at this time. The DB can grow if you do a lot of coding in the DB, updating form designs, create new stored queries, and things like these. If the database starts to grow to large (over 1GB), you should run Compact/Repair periodically. You may be surprised how much space will be reclaimed in doing so. You can do it in one of two ways: - With the DB Open, Click File in the Top Toolbar, then Click Compact Repair Button - Setup a Windows Task to Launch the Compact/Repair Example - MSACCESS.EXE is located in `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14` - I have a Database Called `C:\LWDBA\RolandosDatabase.accdb` - Create a DOS Batch File called C:\CompressMyDB.bat with the following lines BATCH FILE @echo off "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\MSACCESS.EXE" /compact C:\LWDBA\RolandosDatabase.accdb Then just have a Windows Task kick off this batch file at the interval of your choosing