I have an SQL Server 2008R2 containing lots of databases that come and go. Each time a database leaves the server or another one pops in, I need to go through a killer routine: I run this script in SQL Management Studio SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT 'BACKUP DATABASE [' + name + '] TO DISK = N''C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.HART\MSSQL\Backup\' + 'BCK\' +name + '.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N''Full Database Backup'', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10' FROM sys.databases WHERE state_desc = 'ONLINE' AND name NOT IN ('master','tempdb','model','msdb','blah','blah2') SET NOCOUNT OFF ,I get the result to text and I paste it inside the SQL Agent Job Step window. Is there a chance that I could put this script inside the SQL Server Agent Jobs so everytime a database leaves or gets into my Server I wont have to manually change my Job Step definition? Thank you!