I am having an issue with scaffolding PostgreSQL db because npgsql does not handle tables with two index on same column well. [Here's][1] a link to my project on github. I am trying to find these index / tables so I can exclude them from my scaffolding command. I am trying to find tables similar to this. CREATE TABLE public.altreproc ( apcod integer NOT NULL, aptip character(3), apcam character(3), CONSTRAINT altreproc_pkey PRIMARY KEY (apcod) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE public.altreproc OWNER TO postgres; CREATE INDEX ialtreproc1 ON public.altreproc USING btree (aptip COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); CREATE INDEX ialtreproc2 ON public.altreproc USING btree (apcam COLLATE pg_catalog."default"); CREATE INDEX ialtreproc3 ON public.altreproc USING btree (aptip COLLATE pg_catalog."default" DESC); My problem is when a table has 2 different index with the same column (one ASC and one DESC); I am trying to query tables / indexes like this in db which I am trying to scaffold. My goal is to find tables whic contains more then one index on same column. [1]: https://github.com/npgsql/Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL/issues/228