My Postgres database will be focused on multidisciplinary organizations. The project axis is: *a person could belongs to diverses disciplines (ex: arts, sports) for the same organization, and this organization needs an unique central Web app*.

My first intent was modeling only one database but the size was enormous and the relations so complex and redundant, then my second and current approach is as follows:

- `People_Schema` containing general tables like `tbl_person`, `tbl_city`, `tbl_ocupation`, etc.
- `Arts_Schema` containing tables like `tbl_art_center`, `tbl_enrollment(art_center_id FK, person_id FK)`, etc.
- `Sports_Schema` containing tables like `tbl_sport`, `tbl_team`, `tbl_team_member(team_id FK, person_id FK)`, etc.
- And among others schemas in future growing.

The question is: Does this last approach is a good idea? or Does will be a hell for join queries between schemas or others painful implications that I have not seen?, considering multi-tenant expectatives, RESTfull APIs, DreamFactory Backend as a Service and Amazon EC2 Server.

My approach was inspired by this statement taken from [official Postgres docs][1]: *If the projects or users are interrelated and should be able to use each other's resources, they should be put in the same database but possibly into separate schemas.*
