Since you want to use [`PIVOT`][1] to get the result and you need to to this dynamically, I would always suggest writing a static PIVOT query first, this allows you to get the syntax correct before trying to convert it to dynamic SQL. The desired output shows that you want to PIVOT on two columns, `RoomNo` and `Beds` - as a result you'll need to unpivot these columns first, then apply the pivot. Your current query is on the right track, you do need to use `row_number()` so you can get the number of rooms/beds on each floor - but your unpivot is using `Beds` and `HotelSeqID`. You don't want to unpivot `HotelSeqID` because that doesn't have a value that you eventually want as a new column. I'd start a static version the following way - first the subquery to get the data from your tables vertically with the `row_number()` included: select h.HotelName, r.FloorNo, r.RoomNo, r.Beds, seq = row_number() over(partition by h.HotelName, r.FloorNo order by r.RoomNo) from dbo.Hotels h inner join dbo.HotelRooms r on h.seqid = r.hotelseqid See [SQL Fiddle with Demo][2]. Your data will look like this with a new column that contains the sequence number based on the `HotelName` and `FloorNo`: | HOTELNAME | FLOORNO | ROOMNO | BEDS | SEQ | |---------------------------|---------|--------|------|-----| | Hotel 1 | 1 | 101 | 1 | 1 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | 102 | 2 | 2 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | 103 | 1 | 3 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | 104 | 2 | 4 | | Hotel 1 | 2 | 201 | 1 | 1 | | Hotel 1 | 2 | 202 | 2 | 2 | Now, you can unpivot the `RoomNo` and `Beds` columns into multiple rows. Since you are using SQL Server 2008 you can use `CROSS APPLY` to get the result. The query will be: select hr.HotelName, hr.FloorNo, col = c.col + '_' + cast(seq as varchar(2)), c.val from ( select h.HotelName, r.FloorNo, r.RoomNo, r.Beds, seq = row_number() over(partition by h.HotelName, r.FloorNo order by r.RoomNo) from dbo.Hotels h inner join dbo.HotelRooms r on h.seqid = r.hotelseqid ) hr cross apply ( select 'RoomNo', RoomNo union all select 'Beds', Beds ) c (col, val); See [SQL Fiddle with Demo][3]. Your data has now been transformed into multiple columns: | HOTELNAME | FLOORNO | COL | VAL | |---------------------------|---------|----------|-----| | Hotel 1 | 1 | RoomNo_1 | 101 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | Beds_1 | 1 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | RoomNo_2 | 102 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | Beds_2 | 2 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | RoomNo_3 | 103 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | Beds_3 | 1 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | RoomNo_4 | 104 | | Hotel 1 | 1 | Beds_4 | 2 | | Hotel 1 | 2 | RoomNo_1 | 201 | Finally, you can pivot to get the final result. select HotelName, FloorNo, RoomNo_1, Beds_1, RoomNo_2, Beds_2, RoomNo_3, Beds_3, RoomNo_4, Beds_4 from ( select hr.HotelName, hr.FloorNo, col = c.col + '_' + cast(seq as varchar(2)), c.val from ( select h.HotelName, r.FloorNo, r.RoomNo, r.Beds, seq = row_number() over(partition by h.HotelName, r.FloorNo order by r.RoomNo) from dbo.Hotels h inner join dbo.HotelRooms r on h.seqid = r.hotelseqid ) hr cross apply ( select 'RoomNo', RoomNo union all select 'Beds', Beds ) c (col, val) ) d pivot ( max(val) for col in (RoomNo_1, Beds_1, RoomNo_2, Beds_2, RoomNo_3, Beds_3, RoomNo_4, Beds_4) ) piv order by HotelName, FloorNo; See [SQL Fiddle with Demo][4]. Once you've tested a static version to make sure it gets your the desired result, you can easily convert this into dynamic SQL. DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX) select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(col + '_' + cast(seq as varchar(2))) from ( select seq = row_number() over(partition by h.HotelName, r.FloorNo order by r.RoomNo) from dbo.Hotels h inner join dbo.HotelRooms r on h.seqid = r.hotelseqid ) d cross apply ( select 'RoomNo', 1 union all select 'Beds', 2 ) c (col, so) group by col, so, seq order by seq, so FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'') set @query = N'SELECT HotelName, FloorNo' + @cols + N' from ( select hr.HotelName, hr.FloorNo, col = c.col + ''_'' + cast(seq as varchar(2)), c.val from ( select h.HotelName, r.FloorNo, r.RoomNo, r.Beds, seq = row_number() over(partition by h.HotelName, r.FloorNo order by r.RoomNo) from dbo.Hotels h inner join dbo.HotelRooms r on h.seqid = r.hotelseqid ) hr cross apply ( select ''RoomNo'', RoomNo union all select ''Beds'', Beds ) c (col, val) ) x pivot ( max(val) for col in (' + @cols + N') ) p order by HotelName, FloorNo' exec sp_executesql @query See [SQL Fiddle with Demo][5]. This query will give you the result: | HOTELNAME | ROOMNO_1 | BEDS_1 | ROOMNO_2 | BEDS_2 | ROOMNO_3 | BEDS_3 | ROOMNO_4 | BEDS_4 | ROOMNO_5 | BEDS_5 | ROOMNO_6 | BEDS_6 | |---------------------------|----------|--------|----------|--------|----------|--------|----------|--------|----------|--------|----------|--------| | Hotel 1 | 1 | 1 | 102 | 2 | 103 | 1 | 104 | 2 | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | | Hotel 1 | 2 | 1 | 202 | 2 | 203 | 1 | 204 | 2 | 205 | 1 | 206 | 2 | | Hotel 2 | 1 | 2 | 102 | 6 | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | | Hotel 2 | 2 | 3 | 202 | 7 | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | [1]: [2]:!3/80685/2/0 [3]:!3/80685/3/0 [4]:!3/80685/4/0 [5]:!3/80685/7/0