In Postgres 9.1. I am attempting to do a single query to get the timezone of a given postal code. I have data loaded in my database, and I am using PostGIS to store the coordinates of each postal code. Here are the two queries that I need to do in order to get the data I need:
SELECT coord FROM public.postal_code WHERE postal_code = 'T1K0T4' LIMIT 1
query time: 6ms
This gives me the coordinate of the center of the postal_code area. Then I use this coordinate to find which timezone it intersects:
FROM public.timezones as tz
WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-112 49)',4326),geom)
query time: 36ms
Now when I combine the 2 queries, the query time jumps to 7-8 seconds. This is my query:
FROM public.timezones as tz
WHERE ST_Intersects((SELECT coord FROM taduler.postal_code
WHERE postal_code = 'T1K0T4' LIMIT 1),geom)
I have a spatial index on the coord
column in the postal_code table, and also on the geom
column in the timezone table, but it seems like it isn't being used for the subquery.
Does anyone know of a better way to optimize this query? I have tried several variations of this query, like joining the tables and such, but they have all resulted in the same query speed.
Seq Scan on timezones tz (cost=8.37..167.47 rows=136 width=335547) (actual time=4606.136..7274.428 rows=1 loops=1)
Filter: st_intersects($0, (geom)::geography)
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
-> Limit (cost=0.00..8.37 rows=1 width=128) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using postal_code_idx on postal_code (cost=0.00..8.37 rows=1 width=128) (actual time=0.010..0.010 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((postal_code)::text = 'T1K0T4'::text)
Total runtime: 7274.448 ms
EXPLAIN ANALYZE for the following query:
FROM public.timezones as tz
JOIN taduler.postal_code as pc on ST_Intersects(pc.coord, tz.geom)
WHERE pc.postal_code = 'T1K0T4'
Nested Loop (cost=0.00..174.61 rows=1 width=335714) (actual time=4870.908..7572.723 rows=1 loops=1)
Join Filter: ((pc.coord && (tz.geom)::geography) AND (_st_distance(pc.coord, (tz.geom)::geography, 0::double precision, false) < 1e-05::double precision))
-> Index Scan using postal_code_idx on postal_code pc (cost=0.00..8.37 rows=1 width=167) (actual time=0.012..0.019 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((postal_code)::text = 'T1K0T4'::text)
-> Seq Scan on timezones tz (cost=0.00..56.08 rows=408 width=335547) (actual time=0.002..2.795 rows=408 loops=1)
Total runtime: 7572.787 ms