Ok, so, thanks to @joanolo I’ve got a pretty good solution.

 1. **Create a session variable which holds the accountGroupId.** Spring @Transactional & Hibernate isolate DB sessions on a per request/thread basis (in Spring requests & threads are 1-to-1; i.e. 1 isolated thread per request), so there’s no risk of concurrent parameter bleed-through.

 2. **Create DB stored functions which take in a value and store it in the session variable.** Although, if you wanted to, you could just run an update query `SET @mySessionVar = 101;` instead of creating a set() function, but you **MUST** have a get function. MySQL won't let you put a session variable in a view definition.

 3. **Create restricted views which compare against the session var in the where clause.** Since this variable is an account-wide single value (& won’t be changing from select to select within the same user), this works fine. Each request/user will have their own DB session & their own instance of the session var; all completely isolated from each other. They just call the set() function to initialize their session var before running their queries / inserts, and everything works perfectly.

**Now, speaking of inserts:** this is where it gets sticky. There is an easy solution (very simple triggers), the problem is DB support. There is a bug in MySQL v5.6 (& in MariaDB) where they were checking NULL constraints before running triggers. This prevented using triggers to populate these fields. However, this bug was fixed in MySQL v5.7 (& MariaDB v10.1.21 & v10.2.4). If you use MySQL v5.7+ (MariaDB v10.1.21+ / v10.2.4+), or any other DB which complies with the SQL standard, and runs triggers before checking NULL constraints, you’ll be fine.

Here’s a simple code example implementing the fix, and I also made a [SQL Fiddle](http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/1779f64/1):

    CREATE TABLE privateNotes (
      id int(11) NOT NULL,
      userId int(11) NOT NULL,
      text varchar(500) NOT NULL,
      groupId int(11) NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO privateNotes (id, userId, text, groupId) VALUES
    (30, 1, '[John] A Secret Message',         101),
    (32, 2, '[George] A Secret Message',       101),
    (34, 3, '[Sarah] A Secret Message',        202),
    (36, 4, '[Mary] A Secret Message',         202);
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Get
    CREATE FUNCTION getCurrentGroupId()
        RETURNS int(11)
        NO SQL
          RETURN @currentGroupId;
        END //
    -- Set
    CREATE FUNCTION setCurrentGroupId(groupId_in int(11))
        RETURNS int(11)
        NO SQL
          SET @currentGroupId = groupId_in;
          RETURN @currentGroupId;
        END //
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    CREATE VIEW myPrivateNotes AS
      privateNotes.id AS id,
      privateNotes.userId AS userId,
      privateNotes.text AS text
      privateNotes.groupId = getCurrentGroupId(); /* 101, 202, etc. */
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Trigger
    CREATE TRIGGER before_insert_privateNotes
    	BEFORE INSERT ON privateNotes
    		IF NEW.groupId IS NULL THEN
    			SET NEW.groupId = getCurrentGroupId();
    		END IF;
    	END //
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- ------- --
    --  TESTS  -- To see resultSets, run selects in the SQL box over there ->
    -- ------- -- Can't run inserts over there ->
    -- View Insert Test
    SELECT setCurrentGroupId(999);
    -- Bug in MySQL fixed in v5.7 & in MariaDB v10.1.21 / v10.2.4
    -- Bug causes -> Error: Field 'groupId' doesn't have a default value
    INSERT INTO privateNotes (id, userId, text) VALUES (50, 51, 'a cool message');
    -- View Select Tests
    -- Copy the full chunk bellow to the Sql box over there ->
    -- Don't forget to change the delimeter to: [//]
    SELECT setCurrentGroupId(NULL);
    SELECT * from myPrivateNotes; -- Returns Zero Results [Correct]
    SELECT setCurrentGroupId(101);
    SELECT * from myPrivateNotes; -- Returns Valid Results [Correct]