Some of the tasks in my team are related to stored procedure optimization. I am mainly a .NET developer, but I thought of writing a generic procedure for data comparison while procedures are being changed. The main goals are: - ensure that changes to not break existing functionalities (same inputs should provide same output) - can be run from time to time to easy spot bugs introduced by optimizations - should also provide basic profiling information, so that "optimized" version is actually faster - should be run from SQL Server **The code:** -- -- Description: compares the results returned by two stored procedures. Comparison is performed using a 'loopback' linked server and using openquery, so the final query -- must obey openquery limitations. It returns all rows that are within the first result set and not within the second and viceversa. If all result sets are -- empty, results are equivalent (order does not matter) -- -- PARAMS: -- @Procedure1FullName: procedure 1 full name (i.e. database.schema.proc_name) -- @Params1Str: procedure 1 params as string (e.g. @param1 = value1, @param2 = 'value2)' -- @Procedure2FullName: procedure 2 full name -- @Params2Str: procedure 2 params as string -- @ResultSetStr: result set column specification (it is required for usage of procedure in SQL 2012+) -- @LoopBackServerName: loopback (same server) linked server name - required to use openquery on the same server (and database) -- @Debug: outputs debug info -- -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspCompareProcedureResults] ( @Procedure1FullName VARCHAR(255), @Params1Str VARCHAR(MAX), @Procedure2FullName VARCHAR(255), @Params2Str VARCHAR(MAX), @ResultSetStr VARCHAR(MAX), @LoopBackServerName VARCHAR(255) = 'loopback', @ForceShowDetails BIT = 0, @Debug BIT = 0 ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) = '' DECLARE @InputStr NVARCHAR(MAX) -- escaping string parameters SET @Params1Str = REPLACE(@Params1Str, '''', '''''') SET @Params2Str = REPLACE(@Params2Str, '''', '''''') SET @InputStr = @Procedure1FullName + '(' + @Params1Str + ')' SET @SQL = ' DECLARE @StartTime datetime; DECLARE @Diff1 BIGINT; DECLARE @Diff2 BIGINT; -- executing and measuring time for the first procedure SET @StartTime = GETDATE(); SELECT * INTO #R1 FROM OPENQUERY(' + @LoopBackServerName + ', ''set fmtonly off exec ' + @Procedure1FullName + ' ' + @Params1Str + ' WITH RESULT SETS (( ' + @ResultSetStr + '))''); SET @Diff1 = DATEDIFF(ms, @StartTime, GETDATE()); -- executing and measuring time for the second procedure SET @StartTime = GETDATE(); SELECT * INTO #R2 FROM OPENQUERY(' + @LoopBackServerName + ', ''set fmtonly off exec ' + @Procedure2FullName + ' ' + @Params2Str + ' WITH RESULT SETS (( ' + @ResultSetStr + '))''); SET @Diff2 = DATEDIFF(ms, @StartTime, GETDATE()); -- changing all float columns to decimal to ensure correct comparison DECLARE @InnerSQL NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'''' select @InnerSQL += ''alter table #R1 alter column '' + QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) + '' DECIMAL(28, 6);'' FROM tempdb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name like ''#R1[___]%'' and DATA_TYPE = ''float''; EXEC (@InnerSQL); SET @InnerSQL = N''''; select @InnerSQL += ''alter table #R2 alter column '' + QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) + '' DECIMAL(28, 6);'' FROM tempdb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name like ''#R2[___]%'' and DATA_TYPE = ''float''; EXEC (@InnerSQL); -- creating temporary tables to hold result sets differences SELECT ''R1 \ R2'' AS [R1 \ R2], * INTO #R12 FROM #R1 WHERE 1 = 0 SELECT ''R2 \ R1'' AS [R2 \ R1], * INTO #R21 FROM #R1 WHERE 1 = 0 -- inserting data INSERT INTO #R12 SELECT ''R1 \ R2'' AS [R1 \ R2], * FROM #R1 EXCEPT SELECT ''R1 \ R2'' AS [R1 \ R2], * FROM #R2; INSERT INTO #R21 SELECT ''R2 \ R1'' AS [R2 \ R1], * FROM #R2 EXCEPT SELECT ''R2 \ R1'' AS [R2 \ R1], * FROM #R1; -- difference flag DECLARE @IsDiff BIT = 0 IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #R12) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #R21) SET @IsDiff = 1 SELECT ''' + @InputStr + ''' AS ''' + LEFT(@InputStr, 128) + ''', @IsDiff AS ''Diff results'', ''R1'' AS [R1], @Diff1 AS ''Duration1 [ms]'', @Diff2 AS ''Duration2 [ms]''; -- showing details if a difference exists or details must be output if (@IsDiff = 1 OR ' + CAST(@ForceShowDetails AS VARCHAR) + ' = 1) BEGIN SELECT ''Results for first procedure'' AS ''Results for first procedure'', * FROM #R1; SELECT ''Results for second procedure'' AS ''Results from the second procedure'', * FROM #R2; SELECT * FROM #R12 SELECT * FROM #R21 END ' if (@Debug = 1) BEGIN PRINT '@SQL = ' + @SQL PRINT 'SQL len = ' + CAST(LEN(@SQL) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) END EXEC (@SQL) END **Call example:** declare @paramsStr VARCHAR(max) = '@year=2014,@month=6' declare @resultSetStr VARCHAR(MAX) = 'kpi_id INT, kpi_value NUMERIC(18, 2)' exec uspCompareProcedureResults @Procedure1FullName = '[loopback].[DB].[usr].[get_data]', @Params1Str = @paramsStr, @Procedure2FullName = '[loopback].[DB].[usr].[get_data_next_gen]', @Params2Str = @paramsStr, @ResultSetStr = @resultSetStr, @ForceShowDetails = 0, @Debug = 1 GO **Limitations / notes / known issues:** - Requires a linked server to point to the same instance (used by `openquery`) - The procedure must return only one result set - All floats are converted to decimals (fixed point numbers) in order to avoid minor float differences - The procedure can be adapted to also run in SQL Server 2008 (just remove WITH RESULTS SETS) The procedure does its work, but I am wondering: **are there easier/better options of achieving the comparison**.