I suggest a radially new approach with crosstab()
from the additional module tablefunc. You need to install it once per database. Detailed instructions:
SELECT k.name, keyword_id, project_id, now()::date AS the_date
, t AS today, y As yesterday, w AS week, m AS month
FROM crosstab(
, pk.keyword_id
, pk.project_id
, d.created_at
, COALESCE(pr.pos, 0) AS pos
FROM (SELECT *, row_number() OVER () AS rn FROM project_keyword) pk
, (now()::date - 1)
, (now()::date - 7)
,((now() - interval '1 month')::date)
) d(created_at)
SELECT keyword_id
, project_id
, created_at::date AS created_at
, min(position) AS pos
FROM project_report
GROUP BY keyword_id, project_id, created_at::date
) pr USING (keyword_id, project_id, created_at)
ORDER BY pk.rn, d.created_at$$
, (now()::date - 1)
, (now()::date - 7)
, ((now() - interval '1 month')::date)$$
) ct (rn int, keyword_id int, project_id int
, t int, y int, w int, m int)
JOIN keyword k USING (keyword_id);
name keyword_id project_id the_date today yesterday week month
Cheese 1 1 2014-07-11 1 1 1 0
Monitor 2 1 2014-07-11 2 2 2 0
Apple 3 1 2014-07-11 9 9 9 0
Apple1 4 1 2014-07-11 0 0 0 0
Iphone 5 1 2014-07-11 0 33 34 0