This is a workaround.

     tables CURSOR FOR SELECT * 
          FROM information_schema.tables 
          where table_schema = 'public' 
          ORDER BY "table_name" --presumably 'ASC'
          LIMIT ((select count(*)
              from information_schema.tables
              where table_schema = 'public')-1);
              --Because the following prepared string starts with a 'UNION ALL',
              --this completes the query string with a select starting with the last table
          sql_string text := 'SELECT columns FROM last_table_in_the_list';

     FOR table_record IN tables LOOP
         sql_string := sql_string || '
             UNION ALL
             SELECT columns FROM ' || quote_IDENT(table_record."table_name");
     END LOOP;
     sql_string := sql_string||';';
     RETURN sql_string;
     --EXECUTE sql_string;