Marcello, if you absolutely have to be able to achieve your goal with a single script, you could try iterating through the databases and running TSQL in the context of each database. An example is below with sp_executesql running sp_executesql from/in each database in the cursor loop. Note that @Tsql is static here, so it's declared outside of the cursor loop. However it could just as easily be built dynamically within the loop. This example isn't easy. It might even seem a little convoluted. I'll let you be the judge. /* Build the TSQL statement that you want to run on each database. Here is an example that finds database users that are members of specific fixed database roles and drops them from those roles. Note the single quotes are quadrupled. */ DECLARE @Tsql NVARCHAR(MAX) = ' DECLARE @User SYSNAME, @Role SYSNAME DECLARE curUsers CURSOR FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY FOR SELECT UserName, dbRole FROM sys.database_principals u JOIN sys.database_role_members rm ON rm.member_principal_id = u.principal_id JOIN sys.database_principals r ON r.principal_id = rm.role_principal_id WHERE IN (''''db_accessadmin'''', ''''db_backupoperator'''', ''''db_securityadmin'''') AND NOT IN (''''dbo'''', ''''guest'''', ''''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'''', ''''public'''', ''''sys'''') ORDER BY, OPEN curUsers FETCH NEXT FROM curUsers INTO @User, @Role WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_droprolemember @Role, @User FETCH NEXT FROM curUsers INTO @User, @Role END CLOSE curUsers DEALLOCATE curUsers '; DECLARE @DB SYSNAME DECLARE curDB CURSOR FOR SELECT FROM master.sys.databases d --Comment out/adjust this WHERE clause as needed. WHERE NOT IN ('master','tempdb') OPEN curDB FETCH NEXT FROM curDB INTO @DB, @DBOwner WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @DB --Execute sp_executesql, which executes sp_executesql --in the context of a specific database. SET @Tsql = '[' + @DB + ']..sp_executesql N''' + @Tsql + '''' EXEC sp_executesql @Tsql; FETCH NEXT FROM curDB INTO @DB, @DBOwner END CLOSE curDB DEALLOCATE curDB GO