I have the following table with an [`AUTO_INCREMENT`][1] column. 

    CREATE TABLE animals ( 
      name CHAR(30) NOT NULL, 
      PRIMARY KEY (id) 

Usually I load multiple rows with one `INSERT` like this: 

    INSERT INTO animals (name) 
    VALUES  ('dog'),('cat'),('cow'); 

Sometimes though I want assign to each value its ID. Like this: 

    1 -> dog 
    2 -> cat 
    3 -> cow 

If I insert simple values I can select them back. But when I insert [`JSON documents`][2] I'm worried about using syntax like `SELECT WHERE json IN (...)`. 

I thought to get `MAX(id)` before selection, then get `last_insert_id` after selection and using count of inserted rows assign id to each. But I haven't found in documentation anything about order that rows in insert are processed, so I'm worried I won't be able to know what the ID's are.

Inserting rows one by one and get `last_insert_id` for each is not good solution. Is there a way to insert multiple rows at once and return to the application the IDs for each row?

[1]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/example-auto-increment.html
[2]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json.html