Views do not have datatypes; they reference columns in tables that do have datatypes. You can do an explicit `CONVERT()` in a View, but just like any query, it will return the underlying type.

Now, doing what amounts to a "default" (especially inline with your request to use DATETIME2 even if someone tries to use another type) is a bit complicated and shown below. However, it is much simpler to simply "disallow" use of particular datatypes. You could create a DDL trigger to trap CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements and if someone is trying to use DATETIME, simply issue the following:

    RAISERROR('How many times have I said: DON''T use DATETIME! Try again with DATETIME2.', 16, 1);

This does not require complex text parsing or any additional logic. Nor will it make you many friends.

And I am not saying that one _should_ do the following, but it is possible to use a DDL Trigger to trap `CREATE TABLE` statements (which is really after the event) and then scan the DDL submitted and if anything undesired was used, issue the appropriate ALTER TABLE statement. Just keep in mind:

* the CREATE TABLE statement might include constraints and indexes which might require being dropped in order to issue the ALTER TABLE, and then obviously re-added afterwards. 

* this requires better text parsing than is usually possible with straight T-SQL as there is an incredible amount of flexibility in how you can write a query that is valid syntax. So you will need to make use of SQLCLR in order to get Regular Expression functionality (i.e. Match and Replace). I am not saying that this part is an issue, just more of an FYI.

So, this isn't exactly "simple". But it is at least possible and hence why I am mentioning it here because even if this specific scenario isn't advisable, the concept is at least transferable to other scenarios.