Based on an **array** of IDs, you can use [`unnest()`][1]:

SELECT i.institution_id, t.*
FROM   unnest('{1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9}'::int[]) institution_id
LEFT   JOIN tbl t USING (institution_id);

Using `LEFT JOIN` to the same effect.  
Or just:

FROM   unnest('{1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9}'::int[]) institution_id
LEFT   JOIN tbl t USING (institution_id);

The `USING` clause in the join condition only adds a single instance of `institution_id` to the output columns. `SELECT *` may be exactly what you want. Or not. **If** all other columns of `tbl` can be `NULL` (`institution_id` being the only not-null column), you can't tell the difference now between a missing row and a row of `NULL` values.

To also preserve the order of elements in the input array:

FROM   unnest('{7, 3, 4, 1, 5, 9}'::int[])  WITH ORDINALITY AS i(institution_id, ord)
LEFT   JOIN tbl t USING (institution_id);
ORDER  BY i.ord;


- [PostgreSQL unnest() with element number][2]
