> Is it expected that this can happen. A newer transaction claiming a lower seq value? **Yes.** The formulation "claiming a lower seq value" is fuzzy. You seem to be thinking *"writing a lower sequence number to a table row"*. But that's already beyond the reach of a `SEQUENCE`. ### What a `SEQUENCE` guarantees (Also addressing the discussion in comments.) **Retrieving** numbers from a sequence happens **strictly sequentially**, as the name implies - with some notable exceptions: - Manual intervention. Users with sufficient privileges can manipulate the `SEQUENCE` object any way they wish. - Wraparound. Typically an unlikely event, even for `integer` number space. Near impossible for the vast realm of `bigint`- except, again, after manual intervention or code bugs of colossal proportions. You would be able to tell a wraparound when looking at it. - Sequences with a `cache` setting greater 1. There is an example in [the manual][1]: > For example, with a ***`cache`*** setting of 10, session A might > reserve values 1..10 and return `nextval=1`, then session B might > reserve values 11..20 and return `nextval=11` before session A has > generated `nextval=2`. **Thus, with a *`cache`* setting of one it is > safe to assume that `nextval` values are generated sequentially;** with > a ***`cache`*** setting greater than one you should only assume that > the `nextval` values are all distinct, not that they are generated > purely sequentially. Bold emphasis mine. ### BUT that's beyond the point For one, the time when a sequence number is issued is not strictly bound to the time when (or if) it will be written. That way can be long and winding. Doesn't even have to be in the same transaction if the client code is written that way. `nextval()` can be called manually, a `PROCEDURE` or an anonymous code with nested `COMMIT`, ... More importantly, transactions draw numbers largely independent of when they started. Just because one started earlier does not mean it draws from the sequence earlier. *Of course*, later transactions can write earlier sequence numbers, or in your terms, *a newer transaction can claim lower seq values*. The whole idea falls flat at the most basic level. [1]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createsequence.html#id-