I make the Trigger function and apply over the table where i want to use the AUDIT or LOGs. the following is the Trigger which i used.. <!-- language: lang-sql --> CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[iudt_AutoAuditChanges] ON dbo.CPTCategoryMaster AFTER INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; Declare @v_AuditID bigint IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.AutoAudit','U') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AutoAudit] ( [AuditID] bigint identity, [AuditDate] DateTime, [AuditUserName] varchar(128), [TableName] varchar(128) NULL, [OldContent] XML NULL, [NewContent] XML NULL ) ALTER TABLE dbo.AutoAudit ADD CONSTRAINT PK_AutoAudit PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [AuditID] ) WITH( STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [idx_AutoAudit_TableName_AuditDate] ON [dbo].[AutoAudit] ( [TableName] ASC, [AuditDate] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] END Select * Into #AuditDeleted from deleted Select * Into #AuditInserted from inserted While (Select COUNT(*) from #AuditDeleted) > 0 OR (Select COUNT(*) from #AuditInserted) > 0 Begin INSERT INTO [dbo].[AutoAudit] ( [AuditDate], [AuditUserName], [TableName], [OldContent], [NewContent]) SELECT GETDATE(), SUSER_NAME(), [TableName]=object_name([parent_obj]), [OldContent]=CAST((SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #AuditDeleted D FOR XML RAW) AS xml), [NewContent]=CAST((SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #AuditInserted I FOR XML RAW) AS xml) FROM sysobjects WHERE [xtype] = 'tr' and [name] = OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) Set @v_AuditID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() Delete from AutoAudit Where AuditID = @v_AuditID AND Convert(varchar(max),oldContent) = Convert(varchar(max),NewContent) Delete top(1) from #AuditDeleted Delete top(1) from #AuditInserted End END Then i get the Column in which the data is in XML format like this <!-- language: lang-none --> row CPTCategoryId="1" CPTCategoryName="NEW CHARGE" Remarks="" Status="1" CreatedBy="11" CreatedDate="2014-05-01T12:50:16.947" ModifiedBy="11" ModifiedDate="2014-05-01T14:20:47.793" LockVersion="0" so i am unable to seprate these column(**CPTCategoryId**,**CPTCategoryName**,**Remarks**... etc) so that i can so these into the Gridview. So plz tell me how can i change or any edit in above code or suggest me how can i seprate the data. OR tell me another concepts of this Problem.