In standard Visual Studio 2012 or higher, IDE window called *Navigate to...* (<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>,</kbd>) offers all useful objects in scope of currently open project (see [samples][1]) getting increasingly filtered as I am **typing** so I can quickly navigate to what I need without expanding the tree with hundreds of items.

The same *Navigate to...* I can find in *SQL Server Management Studio 2014* (perhaps since SSMS 2012?) but as I type, I can see only some backup files in SSMS `%TEMP%` directory. Is this everything what can be get from *Navigate to...*?

I would like to see it offering me names of tables, stored procedures and SQL functions etc. so I can jump to them in *Object Explorer* or view their definition. **Any tricks to make *Navigate to...* more useful in the SSMS?**

(Currently I have SSMS 2014 connecting to SQL Server 2008 R2.)
