I am currently working on a project for a client, they have asked me to change the database from Oracle to SQL Server. So we migrated the database across to SQL Server 2008, when this was migrated (Using SSMA SQL Server Migration Assistant) it added a schema name onto the start of all of the table and procedures. Since then we have made lots of changes to some of the procedures within the database. My problem now is that the application (.NET web app) is calling the procedures without the schema name prefixed. So when it calls the database it cannot find the procedure as it does not have the schema name at the start. My client has made it clear that the only authentication that they want to use is Windows authentication. From what research I have done I can see that it is not possible to set a default schema for a domain group of users. and it would not be possible for us to add a user in the database for every user that will use the system from that domain group. Does anyone have any advice on what I could do or a workaround for the default schema issue for domain users. Thanks