I'm setting up a monitoring system for SQL Server using Extended Events to find heavy queries as 'production feedback' for our developers. I'm using the events `sp_statement_completed` and `sql_statement_completed`, with predicate filters on cpu_time, logical reads, etc.  I was hoping to aggregate the results on `database_name` and `query_hash` like demonstrated in numerous examples all over the internet, but in the results I see that `query_hash` is 0 for all statements using EXEC, like in the table below (timestamp and queryhash shortened for readability). 

    name                       timestamp      query_hash plan_handle        statement
    sql_statement_completed    2016...6414    0          050056019600764... exec Shared.dbo.SyncFirm  
    sql_statement_completed    2016...9946    0          06003d00e01e730... exec spSetUserAuth @userid;  
    sql_statement_completed    2016...7184    0          0600e30028c9da0... exec spSetUserAuth @userid;  
    sp_statement_completed     2016...0409    9826...578 0600c00028e6aa0... SELECT obfuscated_columns FROM dbo.SomeTable
    sp_statement_completed     2016...1448    8660...775 060084006d2d660... INSERT INTO dbo.SomeTable ( obfuscated_columns)  EXEC(@sql)
    sql_statement_completed    2016...7752    0          0600f9006c23f03... exec spSetUserAuth @userid;  
    sql_statement_completed    2016...1443    1304...641 06005a0008a9b11... select SUBQ.ontrackstatus, COUNT(SUBQ.ontrac

All results do have a value for `plan_handle` and they're all different, so a lot of plans are being generated. Other statements without `query_hash` (that I've seen) include ALTER INDEX, CHECKPOINT, UPDATE STATISTICS, COMMIT TRANSACTION, FETCH NEXT FROM Cursor, some INSERTs, SELECT @variable, IF(@variable = x).  

Does anybody know why the `query_hash` is 0? I'm probably missing the point somewhere about the SQL Query Analyzer and EXEC, but I'm not able to find any clues to point me in the right direction. If the results I'm having are 'normal', then how to best aggregate the results?  Wouldn't grouping by statement include literals, whitespace, etc... which is removed when calculating query_hash?