I've asked this Question on https://stackoverflow.com/q/49202343/9113120 Before and got and Answer, But I would like to understand how to deal with this kind of relation:

In this Query: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/fee4c6/3/0

    SELECT d.`id`, COUNT(da.`doc_id`), COUNT(db.`doc_id`)
    FROM `docs` d
    LEFT JOIN `docs_scod_a` da ON da.`doc_id` = d.`id`
    LEFT JOIN `scod_a` a ON a.id = da.`doc_id`
    LEFT JOIN `docs_scod_b` db ON db.`doc_id` = d.`id`
    LEFT JOIN `scod_b` b ON b.`id` = db.`doc_id`
    GROUP BY d.`id`;

`scod_a: a.id` depends on `docs_scod_a: da.doc_id` which depends on `docs: d.id`

What I want to do is `SELECT` the `id`s from `Table: docs` with the `COUNT()` of their related `doc_id`s from `Table: docs_scod_a, docs_scod_b`, Which is supposed to give me:

    | id | COUNT(da.`doc_id`) | COUNT(db.`doc_id`) |
    |  1 |                  3 |                  3 |
    |  2 |                  3 |                  1 |
    |  3 |                  2 |                  3 |
    |  4 |                  0 |                  1 |

Then I filter the values using the `IN() clause` with `Table: scod_a, scod_b` columns of `ver_a, ver_b` by order using 

`WHERE a.ver_a IN ('AA') AND b.ver_b IN ('BA')`: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/fee4c6/21/0

What I expect the results having the `AA` and `BA` to return only the `ROW`s having `AA` from `Table: scod_a` and `BA` from `Table: scod_b` so the result would be:

    | id | COUNT(da.`doc_id`) | COUNT(db.`doc_id`) |
    |  1 |                  3 |                  3 |

But as I mentioned in the previous Question, I get without `IN clause` the values:

    | id | COUNT(da.`doc_id`) | COUNT(db.`doc_id`) |
    |  1 |                  9 |                  9 |
    |  2 |                  3 |                  3 |
    |  3 |                  6 |                  6 |
    |  4 |                  0 |                  1 |

And with `IN clause` the values:

    | id | COUNT(da.`doc_id`) | COUNT(db.`doc_id`) |
    |  1 |                  9 |                  9 |

 I want to understand What is the proper way to deal with these types of Queries with the shown example, Not just to solve the Problem.


It is more about how do I use `IN() clause` within 3-Tables Relation, But with 6-Tables 3 for Each type.