I’ve found that I had added Sensitivity Classification to all my Temporal Tables, (and only to some of my non-Temporal Tables). As in add SENSITIVITY CLASSIFICATION to dbo.Mytable.name with (LABEL = 'General', INFORMATION_TYPE = 'Public') when I drop the Sensitivity Classification, the old error message is back. I have an example that demonstrates the error: drop table if exists dbo.mytable go create table dbo.Mytable (i int not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered, name varchar(10) not null) go insert into dbo.Mytable ( name ) values ( 'abc' ) go select * from dbo.Mytable where name = 1 -- programming error; data type mis-match returns (1 row affected) Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 8 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'abc' to data type int. This is the **correct** error message. Now run this: add SENSITIVITY CLASSIFICATION to dbo.Mytable.name with (LABEL = 'General', INFORMATION_TYPE = 'Public') and when you run this select * from dbo.Mytable where name = 1 -- programming error; data type mis-match You will see this Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 169 Conversion failed when converting the ****** value '******' to data type ******. This is the **in-correct** error message.<br><br> I've tried this code on Azure SQL Database where I get the in-correct message, and on SQL Server 2019 CU6, where I only get the correct message.<br><br> I have reported this to Microsoft, and they have acknowledged that this is a bug, and that it will be fixed in a few months. I have created two scripts to 1) document existing classifications, and 2) drop all those classifications. The scripts can be found here: [document and drop classifications][1] [1]: https://github.com/HenrikStaunPoulsen/DocumentAndDropSensitivityClassification