There's a table ``` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table00 ( userid int8 PRIMARY KEY, save date NOT NULL, value int4 ); ``` where I want to upsert values IFF the `date` is not the same for a given `userid`, which I'm doing like so: ``` INSERT INTO table00 (userid,save,value) VALUES (%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (userid) DO UPDATE SET, value=EXCLUDED.value WHERE!; ``` But I'd prefer to add ``` CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table00 (userid, save); ``` and **drop the `WHERE` statement**. Is that possible? But this isn't working, since values are still being updated even if they're on the same day; ie. the `ON CONFLICT` seems to swallow up all errors and do the upsert anyways regardless of any uniqueness constraints. The logic I want is: "If the `userid` doesn't exist, then insert a new row. If the `userid` exists, then update its row, **unless** the date is the same, in which case **fail**." So, something like: ``` INSERT INTO table00 (userid,save,followers) VALUES (%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (userid) DO UPDATE SET, followers=EXCLUDED.followers ON CONFLICT (userid,date) DO NOTHING; ```