For two sums and three medians, on a single table, I honestly can't see the benefit of using a complicated dynamic or function-based solution. It is quite easy to construct a single query using Peter Larsson's median method that [I showed you before][1]: CREATE TABLE dbo.Listing ( ListingCol1 integer NULL, ListingCol2 integer NULL, ListingCol3 integer NULL, ListingCol4 integer NULL, ListingCol5 integer NULL ); CREATE TABLE dbo.Result ( Col1 integer NULL, Col2 integer NULL, Col3 integer NULL, Col4 integer NULL, Col5 integer NULL ); -- Just to show indexes are helpful for the median calculations CREATE INDEX i ON dbo.Listing (ListingCol3) CREATE INDEX j ON dbo.Listing (ListingCol4) CREATE INDEX k ON dbo.Listing (ListingCol5) ###Solution INSERT dbo.Result ( Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5 ) SELECT SC.SumCol1, SC.SumCol2, SQ3.MedianCol3, SQ4.MedianCol4, SQ5.MedianCol5 FROM ( -- Sums + counts needed for the median calculations SELECT SumCol1 = SUM(L.ListingCol1), SumCol2 = SUM(L.ListingCol2), CountCol3 = COUNT_BIG(L.ListingCol3), CountCol4 = COUNT_BIG(L.ListingCol4), CountCol5 = COUNT_BIG(L.ListingCol5) FROM dbo.Listing AS L ) AS SC CROSS APPLY ( -- Median for column 3 SELECT MedianCol3 = AVG(1.0 * SQ.ListingCol3) FROM ( SELECT L3.ListingCol3 FROM dbo.Listing AS L3 WHERE L3.ListingCol3 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY L3.ListingCol3 ASC OFFSET (SC.CountCol3 - 1) / 2 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 + (1 - SC.CountCol3 % 2) ROWS ONLY ) AS SQ ) AS SQ3 CROSS APPLY ( -- Median for column 4 SELECT MedianCol4 = AVG(1.0 * SQ.ListingCol4) FROM ( SELECT L4.ListingCol4 FROM dbo.Listing AS L4 WHERE L4.ListingCol4 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY L4.ListingCol4 ASC OFFSET (SC.CountCol4 - 1) / 2 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 + (1 - SC.CountCol4 % 2) ROWS ONLY ) AS SQ ) AS SQ4 CROSS APPLY ( -- Median for column 5 SELECT MedianCol5 = AVG(1.0 * SQ.ListingCol5) FROM ( SELECT L5.ListingCol5 FROM dbo.Listing AS L5 WHERE L5.ListingCol5 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY L5.ListingCol5 ASC OFFSET (SC.CountCol5 - 1) / 2 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 + (1 - SC.CountCol5 % 2) ROWS ONLY ) AS SQ ) AS SQ5; Expected execution plan shape: [![Plan][2]][2] [1]: [2]: