When you have an aggregate function, you need a `GROUP BY` statement. In your case, it would be SELECT LEERLINGEN.LLNR, UITLENINGEN.LLNR, LEERLINGEN.VOORNAAM, LEERLINGEN.TUSSENVOEGSEL, LEERLINGEN.ACHTERNAAM, SUM(UITLENINGEN.BOETE) FROM LEERLINGEN INNER JOIN UITLENINGEN ON LEERLINGEN.LLNR = UITLENINGEN.LLNR WHERE (((UITLENINGEN.BOETE)>25)) GROUP BY LEERLINGEN.LLNR, UITLENINGEN.LLNR, LEERLINGEN.VOORNAAM, LEERLINGEN.TUSSENVOEGSEL, LEERLINGEN.ACHTERNAAM; The GROUP BY clause comes after a WHERE clause but before an ORDER BY (or HAVING) clause on a SELECT statement. In this case, you want to get the sum of "Boete" for each combination of your other columns, hence the need to group by all of those other rows. In short, if you have an aggregate function (like SUM, AVG, MIN, or MAX), you'll need to tell the database engine what to do with those non-aggregated columns. That's a simplistic way of explaining what GROUP BY does for you there. Incidentally, if you want to find out cases where the sum of all Uitleningen.Boete is greater than 25 (rather than only including the **records** in which Uitleningen.Boete is greater than to 25), you actually have to use the HAVING clause. Then it would look like this: SELECT LEERLINGEN.LLNR, UITLENINGEN.LLNR, LEERLINGEN.VOORNAAM, LEERLINGEN.TUSSENVOEGSEL, LEERLINGEN.ACHTERNAAM, SUM(UITLENINGEN.BOETE) FROM LEERLINGEN INNER JOIN UITLENINGEN ON LEERLINGEN.LLNR = UITLENINGEN.LLNR GROUP BY LEERLINGEN.LLNR, UITLENINGEN.LLNR, LEERLINGEN.VOORNAAM, LEERLINGEN.TUSSENVOEGSEL, LEERLINGEN.ACHTERNAAM HAVING (((UITLENINGEN.BOETE)>25)); Think of HAVING as a WHERE for your groups. You filter **rows** using WHERE, and you filter **groups** using HAVING.