You can try the following, to at least get the database into EMERGENCY mode which, if it works, will give you read-only access. **First Create a new database using the existing files** --move database files manually to new server CREATE DATABASE mynewdatabase ON(NAME=’mydatabase’, FILENAME='C:\DataFiles\mydatabase.mdf') LOG ON(NAME='mydatabase_Log', FILENAME='C:\LogFiles\mydatabase_Log.ldf') FOR ATTACH **Then if it shows up in SSMS, try putting it into EMERGENCY mode** -- EMERGENCY mode repair ALTER DATABASE mynewdatabase SET EMERGENCY; GO If that command works as expected, you should have read-only access to the database, minus whatever was corrupted -- Attempt to repair the database DBCC CHECKDB (mynewdatabase, REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS) WITH NO_INFOMSGS, ALL_ERRORMSGS; GO If this works then the database will be repaired, minus whatever was corrupted. Let me know.