I'm trying to import a database dump. However I encounter this error: ORA-39083: Object type TABLE:"MYSCHEMA"."MINF" failed to create with error: ORA-00959: tablespace '_$deleted$5$0' does not exist Failing sql is: CREATE TABLE "MYSCHEMA"."MINF" ("P_MID" VARCHAR2(16 BYTE) NOT NULL ENABLE, "XML_ORIG_MSG" "SYS"."XMLTYPE" , "XML_MSG" "SYS"."XMLTYPE" , "P_OFFICE" CHAR(3 BYTE) NOT NULL ENABLE, "P_DEPARTMENT" CHAR(3 BYTE) DEFAULT '...', "P_MSG_TYPE" VARCHAR2(15 BYTE) DEFAULT '...', "P_MSG_SUB_TYPE" VARCHAR2(10 BYTE), "P_CDT_MOP" VARCHAR2(6 BYTE), "P_PREFERRED_CDT_MOP" VARCHAR2(6 It's seems that the tablespace for the MINF table has been drop before getting the dump. However is there a workaround to still import this table?