I am receiving transaction data from a file, its contains a history of repeated data. Currently trying to find Slowly Changing Dimensions on table with Business Key on ProductId. Many attributes exist: ProductTitle, Category, this is a sample table, actually have around 10 more attributes. How do I create a Product Slowly Changing Dimension query which will insert into a table? Should I use Lead/Lag Function? Is there a better way? I have attempted query below. 

Searching for a performance optimized way, if I have 10 columns, not sure if group, partition by on 10 columns is optimal

**Current repeated Data:**

    create table dbo.Product
    	ProductId int,
    	ProductTitle varchar(55),
    	ProductCategory varchar(255),
    	Loaddate datetime
    insert into dbo.Product
    ,(1,'Table-Dinner', 'GHI','3/10/2018')
    ,(1,'Table-Dinner', 'GHI','3/11/2018')
    ....more data with ProductId =2,3,4, etc

**Expected Output:**

    create table #ProductHistory
    	Productid int,
    	ProductTitle varchar(55),
    	ProductCategory varchar(255),
    	BeginDate datetime,
        EndDatetime datetime
    ,(1,'Table','XYZ','3/7/2018', '3/9/2018')
    ,(1,'Table-Dinner', 'GHI','3/10/2018','12/31/9999')

**Attempted Query** 
(seems to be inefficient, especially when having 10 attribute columns)

    	,min(BeginDate) as BeginDate
    	,Max(EndDate) as EndDate
        	,LoadDate as BeginDate
        	,ISNULL(Lead(LoadDate) Over (Partition by productid order by LoadDate asc), '12/31/9999') as EndDate
        from product
    ) aa
    group by ProductId, ProductTitle, Productcategory