I managed to get quite a usable list by sniffing out the versions within the SProcs' source code, as stored within the `sys.comments` tables. [![enter image description here][1]][1] A healthy amount of assumptions was made, so **test this code on a solitary test instance first**, before going wild on your multitude of Production servers... **Edit**: added Adam Machanic's [sp_WhoIsActive](http://WhoIsActive.com) as an example of how to add to this scanner script. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##DBA_SProcs') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##DBA_SProcs; CREATE TABLE ##DBA_SProcs ( DBName NVARCHAR(100) NULL ,SProcName NVARCHAR (50) NULL ,VersionString NVARCHAR (50) NULL ,VersionDateString NVARCHAR (50) NULL ); EXEC sys.sp_MSforeachdb @replacechar = N'¬' ,@command1 = N' USE[¬]; INSERT INTO ##DBA_SProcs SELECT DB_NAME() AS DBName ,LTRIM(RTRIM( REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( SUBSTRING([text], CHARINDEX(''sp_Blitz'', [text], 1), 18) ,'']'','''') ,''('','''') ,CHAR(9)/*Tab*/,'' '') ,CHAR(10)/*LF*/,'' '') ,CHAR(13)/*CR*/,'' '') ,''@He'','''') )) AS SProcName ,SUBSTRING([text], CHARINDEX(''SET @Version'', [text], 1) + 5, 15) AS VersionString ,SUBSTRING([text], CHARINDEX(''SET @VersionD'', [text], 1) + 5, 24) AS VersionDateString FROM sys.syscomments sc WHERE sc.[text] LIKE ''%sp_Blitz%'' AND sc.[text] LIKE ''%SET @Version%''; INSERT INTO ##DBA_SProcs SELECT DB_NAME() AS DBName ,''sp_WhoIsActive'' AS SProcName ,SUBSTRING([text], CHARINDEX(''Who Is Active? v'', [text], 1) + 15, 7) AS VersionString ,SUBSTRING([text], CHARINDEX(''Who Is Active? v'', [text], 1) + 23, 10) AS VersionDateString FROM sys.syscomments sc WHERE sc.[text] LIKE ''%sp_WhoIsActive%'' AND sc.[text] LIKE ''%Who Is Active? v%''; '; SELECT * FROM ##DBA_SProcs ORDER BY 1 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##DBA_SProcs') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##DBA_SProcs; [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/euPyO.png