###Raster of 10-minute intervals

I suggest to group by a combination of "hour" and 10-minute interval:

    SELECT hero
         , min(timestamp) AS start_time
         , CASE WHEN count(*) > 1 THEN max(timestamp) END AS end_time
    FROM   tbl
    GROUP  BY hero
         , date_trunc('hour', timestamp)
         , EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM timestamp)::int / 10
    ORDER  BY 1, 2;  -- optional

[Working with date / time functions.][1]

`EXTRACT(minute FROM timestamp)` extracts the minute part of the time The expression. After the cast to integer (`::int`), integer division (`/ 10`) effectively rounds to 10-minute intervals (`0` - `5`).

The `CASE` expression only adds an `end_time` if more than one rows fall in the same 10-minute interval.

I advise not to use the "timestamp" as identifier. It's a reserved word in standard SQL and base data type in Postgres.

###Groups defined by gaps of 10 or more minutes
If "groups" are defined by gaps of 10 minutes or more between rows of the same hero:

    SELECT hero
         , count(*) AS ct  -- optional
         , min(timestamp) AS start_time
         , CASE WHEN count(*) > 1 THEN max(timestamp) END AS end_time
    FROM  (
       SELECT hero, timestamp, count(step OR NULL) OVER (ORDER BY hero, timestamp) AS grp
       FROM  (
          SELECT *
               , lag(timestamp) OVER (PARTITION BY hero ORDER BY timestamp)
               < timestamp - interval '10 min' AS step
          FROM   tbl
          ) sub1
       ) sub2
    GROUP  BY hero, grp;

Detailed explanation:

- http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/35380/select-longest-continuous-sequence/35389#35389

[**SQL Fiddle**][2] for both.

  [1]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-datetime.html
  [2]: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/19083e/4