If the structure has changed you shouldn't restore from an old dump, you will overwrite the changes. I suggest use the mysqldump command as follows sudo mysqldump -u root --complete-insert --no-create-info db_name > test_dump.sql `test_dump.sql` now will have the following structure LOCK TABLES `my_table` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `my_table` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `my_table` (`id`, `phone_number`, `start_epoch`, `status_code`, `status_name`, `end_epoch`, `cid`, `reg_date`) VALUES (1,'xxxxxxxxx','25/11/2020 09:01:37','120','KO - Irreperibile/Spento Irraggiungibile/fax/segre','25/11/2020 09:01:37','xxxxxxxx','2020-11-26 10:48:42'),(2,'xxxxxxxxxxxx','25/11/2020 09:01:45','106','KO - Gia Cliente','25/11/2020 09:02:50','xxxxxxx','2020-11-26 10:48:42'),(3,'xxxxxxxxxx','25/11/2020 09:03:02','102','KO - Rifiuta Ascolto Offerta','25/11/2020 09:04:03','xxxxxxx','2020-11-26 10:48:42') > * [--complete-insert](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysqldump.html#option_mysqldump_complete-insert) > > Use complete INSERT statements that include column names. > > * [--no-create-info, -t](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysqldump.html#option_mysqldump_no-create-info) > > Do not write CREATE TABLE statements that create each dumped table. > > Note This option does not exclude statements creating log file groups > or tablespaces from mysqldump output; however, you can use the > --no-tablespaces option for this purpose.