If it's saying the file is not empty, it's not empty. You need to figure out what's there and either rebuild it on another filegroup manually, or drop it. `EMPTYFILE` only works _on the last file_ if there are no objects at all, and of course this is not possible on the `PRIMARY` filegroup. My first guess is there's a table, index, or partition scheme still associated with this filegroup: DECLARE @fgid int; SELECT @fgid = data_space_id FROM sys.filegroups WHERE name = N'the_filegroup_name'; SELECT [object] = o.name, [index] = i.name FROM sys.objects AS o INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON o.[object_id] = i.[object_id] WHERE i.data_space_id = @fgid; SELECT name FROM sys.partition_schemes WHERE data_space_id = @fgid;