The data says that you need

        user_id ...,
        item_id ...,
        PRIMARY KEY(user_id, item_id),
        INDEX      (item_id, user_id)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

That is in addition to table `Users`, with `PRIMARY KEY(user_id)` and `Items` with pk `(item_id)`.

Items not seen by user 1234:

    SELECT i.item_id
        FROM Items AS i
        LEFT JOIN Seen AS s  ON s.item_id = i.item_id
        WHERE s.item_id IS NULL
          AND s.user_id = 1234;

You could then `JOIN` to `Users` and/or `Items` to get more info.

Separate tables for separate users -- _NO_.  This is a common question with the same answer every time.