[**RID Lookups**](https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2195/identifying-key-and-rid-lookup-issues-and-how-to-resolve/) occur on a **heap** data structure in SQL Server (as opposed to a **B-Tree**). This occurs when a non-covering **nonclustered index** is used to fetch the data and it needs to lookup the remaining fields it's missing. Your table data is stored in a **heap** when there is no **clustered index** on that table (as the **clustered index** defines the ordering the records are sorted into a **B-Tree** normally). 

If your table had a **clustered index** and this query wanted to use the same **nonclustered index** it's currently using, you'd see a **Key Lookup** operation in the **execution plan** instead.

If you created a **clustered index** on your table for the two fields `Timestamp` and `ComponenentID` then that'll be covering for your query and you should see the **clustered index** used in the **execution plan** instead which will eliminate any kind of additional **lookup** operation.