I searched the Internet for an answer last night and found nothing. Of course, today after posting this question I try again--[and find an adequate response almost immediately.][1]

The gist of it? Put your commands in a text file and direct it to SQLite using the input file descriptor, or just script everything in a bash script.

###First Method:

`sqlite3 database.db < commands.txt`

###Second Method:

    #!/bin/bash --
    sqlite3 -batch $1 <<"EOF"
    CREATE TABLE log_entry ( <snip> );
    .separator "\t"
    .import logfile.log log_entry

And then on the command line:

    import.sh database.db

  [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/660320/how-to-automate-a-process-with-the-sqlite3-exe-command-line-tool